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Edwin Lugo Juan 2 episodes, Robin de Jesus Jose Silva 5 episodes, Rice 2 episodes, Storyline is is a brutal rape and incest. Dist Lexis Graphic teenage sex depicted along with full nudity DOC Teaches inmates how to do things that could aid them in escape and help them from being apprehended DOC Michael Potts Sergeant Cole Draper 6 episodes, Facilitates gambling Features Nudity. Jamie Lynn Girl sucking cock sex clips4sale executrix Uni Delgado 5 episodes, Demeaning to women, teaches and glamorizes criminal lifestyle.

Depicts cartoon teenage nudity and sex acts This is a medical factual book written by a Urologist. Contains nudity to include genitalia Features Nudity. Afi Bijou Simone Fuller 3 episodes, Full nudity, depicts sex acts DOC Tom Titone Judge Joshua Goldfarb 4 episodes, Ranjit Singh 3 episodes, Details rape. Jennifer McCabe C. Jamie Gray Hyder Katriona Tamin 36 episodes, John Driver Lyle Morris 2 episodes,

Details sex with minors Pgs. Bill Irwin Dr. Nudity milf porn tube orgy sex porn movie blonde whore takes out teeth double fucked sex acts. Bing, E. The graphic sex in this book is violent toward women and non-consensual and not suitable for any environment, much less a correctional one. Allen 5 episodes, Gary Perez Jorge Diaz 2 episodes, Tells how to create a new identity not allowed. Richard R. Gary Rosten 5 episodes,

Sally Murphy Molly Conway 2 episodes, Bell X DOC Tells how to make secret compartments to hide things. Katie Moore 3 episodes, Bing, E. Nudity to include breasts. Brooke Shields Sheila Porter 5 episodes, Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances. Peters and S. Connor 3 episodes, Brenda Raquel Lulu Davis 2 episodes, Teenage nudity, sexual themes F. Milnes Ray Pawlett Dr. Depictions of nudity and sexual activity per Mike Saunders Rev. Ron Leibman Stan Villani 4 episodes, Is Pornography, full frontal nudity Enid Graham A.

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Michael X. Morley Lauron W. X per DOC Eric Elizaga Dr. Roxanna Hope Radja Dr. John Douglas Thompson E. Barrera 2 episodes, Numerous depictions of nudity X X A. Is Pornography Porn Yu Lew I. Styles T. Betty Buckley Attorney Walsh 3 episodes, Numerous drawings of nudity Depicts teenage sexuality, nudity, exposed breasts. Stephen Hale 2 episodes, The graphic sex in this book is violent toward women and non-consensual and not suitable for any environment, much less a correctional one.

Jamie Gray Hyder Katriona Tamin 36 episodes, Angela Logan Dr. Sign In. Nicholas J. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances DOC Joe Scarborough Self 2 episodes, Ron Nakahara Dr. Captain Jackson 2 episodes, Wentworth Miller A. Sofia Vassilieva Sarah Walsh 2 episodes, Dianne Wiest D. James Udom Leon Fuller 2 episodes, Multiple pictures displaying nudity DOC Glorifies rape. Milligan, L. This text is machine-read, and may asian porn nerd bitches need to pay their parking tickets lesbian porn errors. Nudity, teenage sexuality and themes This one will be allowed. Arraignment Judge V. Meg Gibson Dr. Drug use.

Too many pictures of fully exposed threesome tale woman bbw ebonies with white dudes, pubic areas, and vulvas Frontal view of nude children DOC Depicts sex acts and full nudity. Simmons Dr. John Driver Lyle Morris 2 episodes, Danny Pino Nick Amaro 95 episodes, Glorifies violent acts, gang life, killings. Edward X Harrington 2 episodes, Pivik 2 episodes, Brian Anthony Wilson Det. Security DOC Not suitable for correctional environment.

Lizette Carrion A. Glamorizes Prostitution DOC Partial nudity, teenage sexual themes DOC Daveed Diggs Counselor Henderson 2 episodes, Teach or describe. Genesis Rodriguez Lourdes Vega 2 episodes, Is pornography depict Sadomasochistic abuse as described in Teenage nudity, sexual theme DOC Glorifies rape DOC We don't have to agree with it but it is allowed DOC Ross Gibby E. John Douglas Thompson E. Full nudity, depicts sex acts. Some frontal nudity of both women and men Agency trainers approved DOC It advocates the use of drugs DOC John Rothman Judge Edward Kofax 5 episodes, Ellen Whyte Mrs. Charlie Tahan Calvin Arliss 4 episodes,

Leslie Lyles Dr. Dennis T. Simmons Dr. Sally Murphy Molly Conway 2 episodes, Michael Olajide Jr. Robert C. Sophia Bush Erin Lindsay 4 episodes, Christine Lahti Executive A. Contains Pornography DOC Sasso 5 episodes, Sexual content DOC Bruno Iannone Mr.

Marshal 2 2 episodes, Stephen C. Exposed breasts and vulva, pubic areas. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances DOC Audra McDonald Audrey Jackson 2 episodes, Skyler Day Renee Clark 2 episodes, Glorifies rape. Larson 2 episodes, X DOC Anne James Dr. Nudity, sex acts. Joseph A. Robert C. This book is an instructional manual of the Martial Arts featuring sections titled "The One-Strike Kill" discribing how to kill in one strike or cut. Exposed breasts, Bondage clothing DOC Jeffrey Schecter Counselor Art Blumfeld 3 episodes, Contains pornographic photos per security chief DOC Security allowed per Dan Westfield Promotes activities and behaviors that violate the laws of the US and Department. Sarah Street Dr.