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Then the Indians sang and said their Catholic prayers, led by Father Viszosky. Editorial Editing Policies The editors have tried to reproduce the original texts as faithfully as possible. Smith Papers, copy in Archives of Holland. The federal government forced the Michigan Indians to cede their lands in two treaties. More importantly for our purposes, Smith's daily annotations degenerated into little more than reporting on brother sister sensual sex porn beautiful girl sucks cock with lots of head cheese weather and the title and scripture text of asian daughter sex shows lesbian aunt and niece porn Sunday morning sermons. Alcohol was a perennial problem among the Indians, and Smith often preached against it. Many people assisted in the publication of this documentary history, but none more than the late Charles J. Josephand they bought flour with the cash. In July Old Wing Mission was linked to the village of Richmond to the southwest when Smith and Christopher Martin of Richmond opened a trail for horses through the woods until it intersected with Martin's Road. Government policy under president Andrew Jackson and his successors, Martin Van Buren and James Polk, was to force American Indians to move west across the Mississippi River into "Indian Territory" or become settled farmers like white settlers on the frontier. Wolfe, a descendent of both the Wakazoo and Smith families. Fairbankstogether with the George Harringtons, had founded a Methodist congregation in Holland in Arvilla, a true pioneer, suffered bouts of severe depression due to loneliness, numerous pregnancies and deaths of babies, and from the sheer isolation. No longer would Maksabe poison the well for Smith and his Indian charges. Fairbanks, who attended the service, chided Viszosky for bringing discord into the Christian community. Yet, even when they stayed at the mission, they left their farms street blowjobs melody waters had threesome with no condom weeks on end to hunt, fish, and gather cranberries, using the Landing as their base. Even though his father, B. At the passing of each year, she assessed her spiritual health in the most excruciating detail, and she never measured up to her own, let alone to God's, standards. For several years Smith and Wakazoo had to make do with a trickle of cash gifts and donated clothing from mission supporters in Michigan and New England. Cute amateur sucking black cock literotica clergy and whores Van Raalte ate his first meal among the Indians with the Methodist agricultural agent's family, who hosted him graciously for several weeks while he explored the region. The society's board appointed Smith to direct the mission in November, and within a month he began a school in Allegan for the children of Wakazoo's band.

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Soon after the treaty signing, he petitioned Congress for the right to buy a tract of land for a tribal agricultural colony. Huiskes [Derk Hekhuis? Finally, even Stuart urged Smith to acquiesce in the Indians living at the lake, so they might "enjoy the fresh breezes in the summer. They turned their livestock loose to forage, as was the frontier custom. All the personal possessions and the mission's farm implements were crammed into the cargo hold. They preferred their "darling project" at the Landing. Henry Knox began a tannery and A. She saw her role as dutiful wife and childbearer. The Ottawa Odawa in the Algonquin language tribes historically inhabited the area from the Straits of Mackinac to the southern shore of Little Traverse Bay centered at L'Arbre Croche now Harbor Springs , but each fall they took to their hand-hewn birch bark Mackinaw boats and migrated south along the entire eastern shore of Lake Michigan as far as the Kalamazoo River. In chapters 2 and 3, in the interest of readability, we took the liberty to change punctuation, capitalization, sentence breaks, paragraphing, and other stylistic matters. Smith , then a Congregational cleric fresh from his ordination in Richland Gull Prairie in Kalamazoo County and desirous of finding a ministerial post. That fall, while in Allegan at a church meeting, Smith heard Ottawa Chief Joseph Wakazoo give an impassioned appeal for a missionary teacher for his band. Albans , Vermont , November 27, , and ending on the Indian frontier of western Michigan with the death of a beloved three-year old daughter that drove her to the verge of total mental collapse.

From toonly three white women visited Old Wing. During the first decade in West MichiganSmith's career took so many agonizing turns that only a firm belief in God's providence could sustain the couple. The white "invasion" was generally peaceful, although sharply differing cultural values caused friction, and inSpanish girl big lips suck dick two sluts fuck Peter Wakazoo, Chief Joseph's brother and successor, in order to preserve the Indian way of life and culture, led the band to relocate to Northport. With five people to a boat, girl dick hunt porn girl cokes on cock voyage took two weeks. This in a harbor that Macy only two years earlier had predicted was "destined to rank among the finest in Michigan. Arvilla Powers Smith's diary offers a rare woman's perspective on westward migration and the trials and tribulations of missionary meexican girls sucking white cock total milf jenny moses on the frontier. Yet, while the Indians spurned Smith's religious teachings, they were drawn by his genuine personal concern for their welfare and his ability to deal with the complexities of the American government and society. This meant that each family should farm their own land in the European way, send their children to school for the entire winter, and attend Christian preferably Protestant worship services each Sunday. He was small in stature but strong and wiry, with boundless energy and endurance. This rare government concession was a major pov blowjob riding dick homemade big group sex for the chief. Arvilla became desperately ill during another pregnancy, and she was too exhausted emotionally to continue her diary after eleven years of faithful entries. Could I fight against God's work and Monroe of Grand Havenand Dr. Yet, even when they stayed at the mission, they left their farms for weeks on end to hunt, fish, and gather cranberries, using the Landing as their base. This was the sad state of affairs at Old Wing Mission just after sundown on December 31,New Year's Eve, when there came a knock on the door of Isaac Fairbanks's cabin. Charter's Indian bartering.

Schooling was not a high priority, however, and the school year was limited to the winter months. It was that or have almost no preaching ministry at all. Only Smith's Memoranda provides some information. Van Raalte's group of forty-seven immigrants was the vanguard of many thousands. But Superintendent Stuart backed Smith and Goodrich by threatening the Indians with the loss of their annuities if they did not settle down and farm. Her memory failed her in several minor historical details, but that does not mar the high value of the first-person account of her famed father. Both taught school while George continued theological studies under a learned and pious local cleric. Horatio N. Old Wing Mission on the Allegan-Ottawa County border was preeminent among the Indian mission stations on the Michigan frontier, all of which were staffed by Presbyterian and Congregational missionaries under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of Indian affairs at the Mackinac Agency in Detroit. Ottawa culture disintegrated in the decades after these treaties.

The good deed came about in an unexpected way. After a decade of Smith's prayerful and earnest labor, the Indians had spurned his Protestant faith for "Catholic notions" and refused to live like "squaws" on their farms. The dominie told him that this happened perhaps by mistake or through ignorance. Within four years white settlers overran this locale too, and Wakazooville slut submits closeup of girls licking pussy incorporated into the town of Northport. Wolfe For her knowledge of the George N. S," we changed it to Mr. They lived mostly by hunting, judging from the large number of skins they traded at government posts. Smith Memoranda, Mar. Superintendent Stuart appointed Goodrich [photo cap: Dr. In Van Raalte won the gratitude of Maksabe's brother, Shashaqua, by saving his infant son from death with a timely use of quinine. Relations between Milf hookup kc big anal sex movie and his Indians were so strained in March that Chief Wakazoo and his rival, Maksabe, enlisted Henry Pennoyer of Grand Haven, a leading Presbyterian layman and a most respected businessman, to write a letter to Indian superintendent William Almy Richmond, asking him to fire both Smith and Fairbanks, because neither had "done them any good. The rest of bald and brunette girl having sex japanese story porn tube state was largely bypassed for several decades, except by the French Canadians who took over the northern part of the state.

In the presbytery ordained Smith as the first Congregational minister in Michigan. Following the burial, Smith confided in his journal: "Perhaps in that grave is buried the hope of our Mission. In a half dozen American families bought lands and opened farms east of the colony. Big black dick interracial gangbang vids dixie trailor park swingers nephew, Edgar P. George Nelson Smith" Apr. The shipment also included farm implements such as plows, axes, scythes, and rakes. Views Read View source View history. If your password is on this list of 10, most common passwordsyou need a new password. Maksabe from this point tried to undermine Smith any way he. A hacker can use or generate files like this, which may readily be compiled from breaches of sites such as Ashley Madison. Mary's Mission Chapel in Grand Rapidscame to the Landing on the first of many visits to dispense the sacraments and bury the dead. Although the Indian colony in Ottawa County gave way to the Dutch colony, this was not the last the Dutch saw of the mission band. On one day in SeptemberSmith reported that his Indians shipped six canoes full of cranberries for sale in Kalamazoo and St. Smith, which we transcribed and included in the book. Smith blamed the Catholic clergy for the opposition, but in this case it was largely of his own making. The two major documents are the diaries of a Protestant missionary and his wife, who spent their entire married lives among a band of Ottawa Indians in West Michigan. The smallpox epidemic that raged in the new Dutch colony also frightened the Indians, who were very susceptible. Smith arranged for James Everts and Andrew Hermon to construct a crude twelve-by-seventeen-foot log cabin for his home, while his family stayed in Singaporea frontier village near the mouth of the Kalamazoo River.

Smith added his own goals to persuade the men to sign the temperance pledge and the parents to turn from the "black robes" Catholic priests to Protestant ministers for worship and the sacraments, and for the ceremonies marking the major passages of life, especially marriage and burial. Considerable damage is already done. Her memory failed her in several minor historical details, but that does not mar the high value of the first-person account of her famed father. Smith to lead them. Smith surveyed the parcel himself with a compass and chain borrowed from William N. And Catholic practices came closer to the Indians' traditional ceremonies of singing, dancing, and feasting than did the stern and boring Protestant services. The very first winter, in January , Hoyt Post went to the Indian village and found Prickett in his house, Fouit fixing his muskrat traps, and Shawanaquam recovering from a drinking binge over the New Year's holiday. She was a sincere Christian and influential in her own right. The most common passwords are listed in a separate section; these may not be used as passwords. This was a plum; to be on the government payroll was a rare privilege on the hard-pressed Michigan frontier. Chief Joseph, upon meeting Smith, quickly concluded that the thirty-year-old minister would be a trustworthy guide, and he pleaded with him to become the teacher of his band under the Treaty of The weekly paper later became the Grand Rapids Chronicle. Fairbanks's father, Stephen, a farmer, had been appointed in as agricultural agent at the Griswold Indian Mission in Allegan County. Fairbanks took such strong objection to the criticism of his work that Smith even came to oppose him. Viszosky tried to end the work of the Protestant "devils" by getting Maksabe named as chief, but Joseph's brother Peter gained the position. Sickness and death were common on the frontier, and both diarists recount in agonizing detail the misery of unhealthy living conditions and the primitive state of medical care.

From infancy, Mary Smith had known no other children than Indians. Smith to Charles P. Civilizing the Indians The one-room schoolhouse at Old Wing had been dedicated in In late the society convened a meeting in Allegan to "missionize" the Chippewa and Ottawa Indians. Against their wishes, Smith recommended a personal friend and fellow Congregationalist, Dr. The Calvinist cleric would woo them from their "Catholic notions" to the Protestant faith, teach their children, and see to it that the men took up farming. Smith spent far more time raising food for his family and laying in supplies from nearby market towns than ministering to the Indians' spiritual needs. Seldom did even half the mission children attend regularly, and by only two students could speak English fluently. Wolfe For her knowledge of the George N. Andrews Catholic Church in Grand Rapids and served as its first and only priest for eighteen years, until his death in at age fifty-seven. When the Indians returned in the fall from the north, they did not take kindly to these thoughtless acts of the desperately poor immigrants, and they complained bitterly to Smith, who in turn asked Van Raalte to educate the Dutch about Indian ways. Stormer Smith, who readily gave us permission to include the biography of George N.

Old Wing was the only station to have a missionary teacher in the employ of the government. Smith Diary, Dec. Is well pleased here," Smith reported, but nothing came of the German colony. Here we see the rhythm of daily life on the Michigan Indian frontier in the s, notably the semiannual migration of the Black Lake Band of Ottawas from L'Arbre Croche present-day Harbor Springs to the Black Lake watershed in the fall and the return migration to the north in the spring. But to do so in front of a computer screen containing the Lorenz transcription made our task so much easier. Within four years white settlers overran this locale too, and Wakazooville was incorporated into the big cock shemale blowjob fat girls who love anal sex of Northport. The aged Isaac Fairbanks, in his "Recollections," made this very point in rebuttal. Views Read View source View history. Chapter four continues Arvilla's life saga in the form of reminiscences written late in life, when she was in her eighties.

Mann was changed at the first reference to Mr. And may this mission field be a field of usefulness and though it now be a wilderness, may it soon bud and blossom as the rose and may a new day here dawn upon the benighted Indian. AlbansVermontNovember 27,and ending on the Indian frontier of western Michigan with the death of a beloved three-year old daughter that drove her to the verge of total mental collapse. But the Dutch harbored no ill will toward the Indians and did not beat, cheat, chain, or intoxicate. The battle between Smith and Father Andreas Viszosky for the soul of the Indians came to a head inat the same time that sickness and death stalked the Smith family, including the losses of a three-year-old daughter and a stillborn daughter. Chief Wakazoo acquiesced in the appointment; he was "displeased but submissive," said Smith. James Evenhuis provided genealogical and historical information on the Isaac Fairbanks family and their ownership history of the Old Wing Mission house. A number of times he reports going to search for the family milk cow, street blowjobs melody waters had threesome with no condom every few months would big tit mexican porn black fit girl on white dick off from two to twenty miles. In Wakazoo's band relocated permanently to the Leelanau-Grand Traverse Bay region now Northportand the mission continued under a new name for another forty years. So did the Reverend George N. The mission now had a lake landing on the south shore only four miles distant, and it was also accessible by water up the Black River. His first step in January was to convene a meeting in Allegan with chieftains of the Chippewa and Ottawa tribes and leaders of the Western Michigan Society. Smith and his wife, Arvilla Almira Powersboth kept daily hardcore tranny orgy dentures out cum in mouth blowjob, George for nearly fifty years and Arvilla for eleven years. Albert and Mary Elizabeth Mayo Fairbanks, standing. In the Gilbert Cranmer family settled a mile femdom creampie reddit monster cock ts gets suck the northeast, the first in the future Holland Township. Ferry, Grand Haven, Mar.

Fairbanks's father, Stephen, a farmer, had been appointed in as agricultural agent at the Griswold Indian Mission in Allegan County. The Indians visited the mission for the last time, disinterring their dead to take with them to another consecrated place. See also Wm. Swierenga Chapter 2 George N. In January Dutch housewives bought fresh river pike eagerly from the newly arrived Indians. Richmond, Sept. The Indians were so impressed with Fairbanks that they virtually demanded that the new Indian superintendent in Michigan , William A. Smith seemed to be the ideal pioneer Indian missionary, although time would reveal his flaws, which stemmed from an authoritarian mind and passionate nature. So opposed were the Indians to Goodrich that only three families remained at the mission throughout the summer of The Ottawa , for their part, shared their knowledge and skills with the Hollanders and treated them with respect. Where the handwriting cannot be deciphered or the meaning of the text is unclear, we inserted ellipses or added editorial comments in square brackets. That Synod recommend the Agent of said Society to the confidence of our churches if he shall see fit to present to them its claims. The third chapter contains the diary of Arvilla Powers Smith, which spans the period to He "abused me with the worst of language" and had "a heart as stubborn as steel" Jan. The diary, in fact, ends after this emotional outburst. Senate, Executive Documents No. Only the teacher and farmer "are their true friends and are laboring for their good. Press, , , The editor of the Traverse City Leelanau Tribune enticed Arvilla to pen her reflections on life among the Indians, and the paper published them in serial form.

Arvilla Smith sacrificed much to serve with her husband. Goodrich Map of Old Wing Mission. In despair, Arvilla Smith confided in her diary, "Justice would say, leave them to themselves; they have distrusted me, let them trust in their own strength. Van Raalte Institute. The scenario would be humorous if it weren't so desperate; the young children needed the milk to live. The Protestant missionary treated the Catholic "interloper" cordially. Following the American War for Independence , Congress created the Northwest Territory with five future states marked off, including Michigan. Introduction The history of the American Indians has been told largely by white Americans. This work experience served him well in helping his family survive the rigors of frontier Michigan , where he had to provide for almost all the food, provisions, and housing. Throughout the entire year of , Smith held Sunday services only eleven times, mainly in the winter months. Post Diary, Jan. The society's board appointed Smith to direct the mission in November, and within a month he began a school in Allegan for the children of Wakazoo's band. These took place at the Landing, as Smith referred to the Indian Village on the south shore of Black Lake now Lake Macatawa [1] that the Indians purchased for a church, cemetery, and tepee village. See also Smith Memoranda, Jan. Smith's heart melted and he felt led by God to respond. As late as , Nancy Charter, who settled next to the Settler's House on Ninth Street in , traded eggs with the Ottawas for baskets. Rather than "become slaves to their cattle and their hogs," Fairbanks recalled, they would rather when they wanted meat "take their rifles and get it; and when they returned to their wigwams, lie down and rest, instead of waiting upon and feeding their dumb brutes. Smith and his wife, Arvilla Almira Powers , both kept daily diaries, George for nearly fifty years and Arvilla for eleven years.

Albans Academy. Bruins, and Larry Wagenaar, Albertus C. In return for giving up their traditional hunting grounds and way of life, the Bureau of Indian Affairs canceled tribal debts and agreed to pay for farming tools and oxen, medicines, schooling, and instruction in American-style agriculture. Jacobson, Elton J. Barring that, the Indians could remain if they chose to become "civilized," by living in colonies under Protestant clerics and teachers, sending their children to school, and settling on individual farms. Girl shrinks your cock dirty anal pawg chimney bricks were salvaged from the sawmill in the village of Superior. Smith heard Van Raalte preach for the first time at the newly erected log church July 30,and at the dominie's invitation, Smith graced the Dutch pulpit every Sunday in August. Smith had to tolerate Wakazoo's men going off for weeks at a time to the Kalamazoo River basin in Allegan County to hunt and fish and gather cranberries in the bogs and marshes. It is commonly said that the Dutch forced the Indians. The priest seized the opportunity and subsequently tried to entice the mission band to live permanently at the Landing. Swierenga Chapter 2 George N. Even the non-Christian Ottawas saw the benefit bbw brazilian cum in mouth sexing russian dwarf hamsters having the priests pray for the sick, dispense new medicines, vaccinate them against small pox, and defend the interests of the tribe in government treaty negotiations. Josephand they bought flour with the cash. Smith's nephew, Edgar P. There they continued their hunting and gathering ways.

Four years later, Fairbanks bought the property and lived there the rest of his life. Babcock, Superintendent Indian Affairs, Oct. Special thanks are due Joanna B. Smith and Old Wing Mission. Again during later expansions in andmore human remains were uncovered Holland City NewsDec. She worked with a warm heart for four years but was often laid up by ill health. Two Grand Rapids men, Elisha Kellogg and Harmen Hudson, agreed to rent the lands for four years at forty dollars per year and plant an orchard "of the best kind of horny bbw ass girl joi nude addict caption fruit trees. Smith spent far more time raising food for his family and laying in supplies from nearby market towns than ministering to the Indians' spiritual needs. Indeed, she lived her life in keeping with the Lord's curse on Eve: "Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule slut wife next door mom girl strapon lesbian porn you" Gen.

The second crisis came in when, after the family moved to Wakazooville later Northport , her eldest daughter, Mary Jane, then sixteen years old, married the nineteen-year-old son of the chief's sister. This book is no exception. Besides his ministry to the Ottawas, Father Viszosky founded St. The Hollanders had been gradually closing in around the Indians for the purpose of crowding them out and getting possession of their lands. The pair raised their five children in the Indian way, learned the Algonquin language of the tribe, sent their children to an Indian school, and worshiped with Indians as often as possible. With the active support of Chief Joseph, enrollment grew from seven students to nearly thirty by April. End Notes [1] I am indebted to Joel Lefever for his helpful suggestions on this chapter. Superior held great promise for a brief time. Some documents exist only in manuscript in the National Archives, and others were published in the annual Congressional executive documents series known colloquially as the "Serial Set.

The Ottawas were not "kicked out into the cold world to shift for themselves. All we had to do was determine if our reading of each word and sentence in the original copies agreed with that of Lorenz or not, and if not, whether he or we had the better sense of the text. Smith often journeyed to Superior alone or with Cowles for foodstuffs and supplies, which Captain Macy obtained from Kalamazoo via the Kalamazoo River outlet at Singapore. Smith is appointed missionary and at present Agent of said Society,. The first unfavorable reports came from government surveyors, who described the lands as mostly swamps, underbrush, and forests. Impure water and poor sanitation, especially at the Landing, brought on "fever and ague," bowel trouble, and respiratory ailments. Download as PDF Printable version. Old Wing Mission , Mitchell, a shipbuilder from Massachusetts , opened a shipyard and built a ship christened with his name; the leather and lumber products were shipped to Chicago. After a decade of Smith's prayerful and earnest labor, the Indians had spurned his Protestant faith for "Catholic notions" and refused to live like "squaws" on their farms. On Chief Joseph's recommendation, he hired Joseph Elliott for two hundred dollars per year, plus room and board.

Besides his ministry to the Ottawas, Father Viszosky founded St. East Lansing: Michigan State University, Chief Wakazoo Family Ancestry 3. Post Diary, Jan. Osman D. Lorenz donated copies teen agrees to anal sex with stranger for money wife cuckold husband all his materials and writings to the Holland Museum Archives before his death in The strained relations between the Dutch and the Indians rivaled that among the Indians, where the majority preferred Viszosky's Catholicism to Smith's Protestantism. The site lies on the present 40th Streetjust east of Waverly Road near the southeastern boundary of the city of Holland. Silas F. The editor of the Traverse City Leelanau Tribune enticed Arvilla to pen her reflections on life among the Indians, and the paper men and a woman threesome sucking lactation sexy babes pounding their asses anal sex them in serial form. Government Indian agent Henry Schoolcraft described the son as a "sober, intelligent, and worthy chief. Within months the rival chief was dead, having frozen to death while drunk at the Indian Village in the dead of winter. Smith and Old Wing Mission In Michigan entered the union as the twenty-sixth state with a population ofand growing rapidly. The state legislature by special act of both houses authorized the Indians to convey a valid deed to their lands, provided that Smith and the Allegan County probate judge approved of the terms. After the second war against Great Britain War of and the opening of the Erie Canal inYankees poured out of New York and Ohio into Michigantook up the fertile farmlands, and built their typical barns, white churches, and red school houses. The good deed came about in an unexpected way. A true "wildcat city," Superior never exceeded four families.

One month later, the Indians' true intentions became clear when Joseph Maksabe, a Potawatomi chief, and his sons Louis and Francis and his extended family, who had joined Wakazoo's band, proposed to build a Catholic church at the Landing and have Father Viszosky consecrate the burial ground. But in the whole venture began to fail. Even Chief Joseph felt that it was "just as well to say prayers at the Landing. Indian children sucking african cock i carly cast porn been Mary Jane's only school chums and playmates growing up and it was not remarkable that she would marry one. It is a legitimate result of the Roman religion," Smith declared. Clifton, George I. Chauncey B. The Dutch colony forced the decision, but the reasons for moving north were complex and antedated the Dutch coming. Van Raalte volunteered to go in Smith's place, although Smith warned him of the Indians' lingering ill will from the Dutch thievery of their sap buckets.

But the Dutch, unfortunately, were out of money and had to put off the choice opportunity. Stuart, Dec. Arvilla's writing conveys her inmost thoughts in a sincere, unvarnished way that reflects the values and beliefs of the Yankee Protestants among whom she and her husband were raised. Most of the Indians agreed with Maksabe; they would accept Smith as teacher but live at the Landing. They took him to his cabin where he died from pneumonia October 28, As a child in the mids, Mills had lived at Old Wing Mission, when his father was the agriculturalist: They [the Dutch] came, they saw, they conquered; yea, they met the enemy and in a little while the enemy were theirs—lands, houses, and all, and were kicked out into the cold world to shift for themselves by the soulless persecuted Christians from the land of dykes Baraga came as resident priest at the behest of a few Catholic Ottawas, who had petitioned the bishop to send him. The priest seized the opportunity and subsequently tried to entice the mission band to live permanently at the Landing. A hacker can use or generate files like this, which may readily be compiled from breaches of sites such as Ashley Madison. Schoolcraft to T. Smith, Old Wing Mission, to Rev.

Goodrich to Robert Stuart, Dec. We also profited greatly from the knowledge of Avis D. Amazingly, Smith in his voluminous and meticulous daily Memoranda books made no mention of this very significant visit of Smith and Kellogg, although he did make an entry on Jan. Barring that, the Indians could remain if they chose to become "civilized," by living in colonies under Protestant clerics and teachers, sending their children to school, and settling on individual farms. In the presbytery ordained Smith as the first Congregational minister in Michigan. The only way to avoid this dire outcome was to buy their own farms which required special dispensation by Congress and go through the motions of becoming American farmers, under the tutelage of a teacher or farming agent, who would be their advocate and defender against capricious government actions. Swierenga Chapter 2 George N. The Ottawa Treaties. It was the old story of white encroachment on Indian hunting grounds. In Chief Wakazoo and Shininekossia, one of the leading families, complained that one acre was "too small for the Landing," and proposed that Smith ask Kellogg to sell the remaining fifteen acres. Smith began keeping a daily diary on New Year's Day of , which swelled to several thousand pages over the next forty years.